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Arconic Inc. published the following employee communications:
Board Comments on ISS Recommendation
Here are five things to know about the recommendation of corporate governance firm Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)*:
1. | ISS suggests that a reasonable outcome would be the election of two directors from each slate, plus Ulrich Schmidt, recognizing Arconics director nominees are exceptionally qualified and noting candidates should be judged on merits. |
2. | ISS states: As the dissident has already achieved its explicitly stated primary goal, the need to support all four dissident nominees seems less urgent. |
3. | ISS found that Elliotts request for an Operations Committee, especially one comprising a majority of dissident nominees, is highly unusual Given that such a committee could elevate the status of certain directors above that of the board as a whole, and have a detrimental impact on the companys efforts to recruit a permanent CEO, the dissident seems to have pushed its advantage too far in this regard. |
4. | Shareholders have question[ed] whether [Elliott] is truly committed to the companys long-term success, given its insistence on having unfettered ability to sell its shares. |
5. | Arconics Board agrees that Arconics nominees are highly qualified, given their deep industry expertise and leadership experience and believes Arconics recommended director nominees are without question best qualified to guide Arconic into the future and, importantly, to select the next CEO. We urge our shareholders to evaluate the quality of our nominees, the strong actions the Board is taking to enhance governance, and the Boards specific plan to aggressively drive value creation over the next several years. |
* | Permission to use quotation neither sought nor obtained. |
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