Washington, D.C.  20549

     (Mark One)



For the Quarter Ended September 30, 1997     Commission File Number 1-3610

     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     PENNSYLVANIA                       25-0317820

(State of incorporation)      (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
425 Sixth Avenue - Alcoa Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219-1850
     (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

	       Office of Investor Relations  412-553-3042
	       Office of the Secretary       412-553-4707
       (Registrant's telephone number including area code)
     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed
all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months,
and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past
90 days.

					Yes  X    No

     As of October 28, 1997, 172,471,001 shares of common stock,
par value $1.00, of the Registrant were outstanding.




Alcoa and subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
(in millions)

							  September 30,   December 31,
							      1997            1996
							  -------------  --------------

Current assets:                                              
  Cash and cash equivalents (includes cash of $131.7 in
  1997 and $93.4 in 1996)                                $   1,069.8         $  598.1
  Short-term investments                                        81.2             18.5
  Accounts receivable from customers, less allowances:
    1997-$44.4; 1996-$48.4                                   1,813.6          1,674.7
  Other receivables                                            122.1            154.2
  Inventories (b)                                            1,297.1          1,461.4
  Deferred income taxes                                        159.1            159.9
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                    239.9            214.4
							   ---------        ---------
    Total current assets                                     4,782.8          4,281.2
							   ---------        ---------

Properties, plants and equipment, at cost                   15,542.2         15,729.9
Less, accumulated depreciation, depletion and 
  amortization                                               8,731.7          8,652.4
							   ---------        ---------
    Net properties, plants and equipment                     6,810.5          7,077.5
							   ---------        ---------
Other assets                                                 2,010.8          2,091.2
							   ---------        ---------
    Total assets                                           $13,604.1        $13,449.9
							   =========        =========

Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                    $   370.8        $   206.5
  Accounts payable, trade                                      838.4            799.2
  Accrued compensation and retirement costs                    419.5            404.3
  Taxes, including taxes on income                             475.1            407.9
  Other current liabilities                                    346.4            377.0
  Long-term debt due within one year                           175.8            178.5
							   ---------        ---------
     Total current liabilities                               2,626.0          2,373.4
							   ---------        ---------
Long-term debt, less amount due within one year              1,549.9          1,689.8
Accrued postretirement benefits                              1,769.1          1,791.2
Other noncurrent liabilities and deferred credits            1,307.8          1,205.5
Deferred income taxes                                          295.3            317.1
							   ---------        ---------
     Total liabilities                                       7,548.1          7,377.0
							   ---------        ---------

MINORITY INTERESTS                                           1,459.4          1,610.5
							   ---------        ---------

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                         
Preferred stock                                                 55.8             55.8
Common stock                                                   178.9            178.9
Additional capital                                             578.8            591.9
Translation adjustment                                        (265.1)           (93.1)
Retained earnings                                            4,506.5          4,082.6
Net unrealized gains - securities available for sale             -               23.4
Unfunded pension obligation                                     (7.2)            (5.8)
Treasury stock, at cost                                       (451.1)          (371.3)
							   ---------        ---------
     Total shareholders' equity                              4,596.6          4,462.4
							   ---------        ---------
      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity           $13,604.1        $13,449.9
							   =========        =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


Alcoa and subsidiaries
Condensed Statement of Consolidated Income (unaudited)
(in millions, except per share amounts)

						 Third quarter       Nine months
						      ended             ended
						  September 30      September 30
						 -------------      ------------

						1997       1996      1997       1996
						----       ----      ----       ----
Sales and operating revenues                  $3,357.5   $3,240.6  $10,020.6  $9,803.3
Other income                                      46.9       18.0      125.9      36.6
					       -------    -------   --------   -------
					       3,404.4    3,258.6   10,146.5   9,839.9
					       -------    -------   --------   -------
COSTS AND EXPENSES                                              
Cost of goods sold and operating expenses      2,533.8    2,517.4    7,624.9   7,440.2
Selling, general administrative and other
  expenses                                       161.4      181.6      480.9     533.0
Research and development expenses                 33.8       36.0      104.1     113.9
Provision for depreciation, depletion and
  amortization                                   185.8      181.1      549.5     554.9
Interest expense                                  35.5       37.4      106.2     103.1
Taxes other than payroll and severance
  taxes                                           30.9       31.7       98.6      98.3
Special items (income)/loss (c)                  (18.0)     115.1      (22.6)    180.5
					       -------    -------   --------   -------
					       2,963.2    3,100.3    8,941.6   9,023.9
					       -------    -------   --------   -------

  Income before taxes on income                  441.2      158.3    1,204.9     816.0
Provision for taxes on income (d)                154.8       53.6      421.7     277.4
					       -------    -------   --------   -------
  Income from operations                         286.4      104.7      783.2     538.6
Less: Minority interests' share                  (58.3)     (36.3)    (188.4)   (159.8)
					       -------    -------   --------   -------
NET INCOME                                    $  228.1   $   68.4  $   594.8  $  378.8
					       =======    =======   ========   =======

Earnings per common share (e)                 $   1.32   $    .39  $    3.43  $   2.16

Dividends paid per common share               $    .25   $  .3325  $    .725  $  .9975
					       =======    =======   ========   =======

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


Alcoa and subsidiaries
Condensed Statement of Consolidated Cash Flows (unaudited)
(in millions)
								   Nine months ended
								     September 30
								   1997      1996
								   ----      ----

Net income                                                      $  594.8  $  378.8
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash from operations:
  Depreciation, depletion and amortization                         561.5     566.8
  Change in deferred income taxes                                   15.6      95.2
  Equity (income) losses before additional taxes, net of 
    dividends                                                      (26.6)      1.6
  Provision for special items                                      (22.6)    180.5
  Book value of asset disposals                                     28.8      30.6
  Minority interests                                               188.4     159.8
  Other                                                            (12.1)    (23.3)
  (Increase) reduction in receivables                             (156.1)     47.4
  Reduction in inventories                                          99.4       3.5
  Increase in prepaid expenses and other current assets            (34.2)    (15.1)
  Reduction in accounts payable and accrued expenses                (3.9)   (304.5)
  Increase in taxes, including taxes on income                      95.2      15.1
  Cash received on long-term alumina supply contract               240.0       -
  Reduction in deferred hedging gains                             (126.8)   (165.9)
  Net change in noncurrent assets and liabilities                  (70.1)    (98.4)
								 -------   -------
    CASH FROM OPERATIONS                                         1,371.3     872.1
								 -------   -------

Net changes in short-term borrowings                               164.8      34.6
Common stock issued and treasury stock sold                        199.7      36.7
Repurchase of common stock                                        (292.5)   (257.7)
Dividends paid to shareholders                                    (127.2)   (178.0)
Dividends paid and return of capital to minority interests        (290.5)   (145.2)
Additions to long-term debt                                        435.9     456.1
Payments on long-term debt                                        (555.9)   (489.5)
								 -------   -------
    CASH USED FOR FINANCING ACTIVITIES                            (465.7)   (543.0)
								 -------   -------

Capital expenditures                                              (618.6)   (631.1)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                    -      (171.5)
Proceeds from the sale of assets                                   193.2      82.8
Additions to investments                                             (.7)    (58.1)
Sale of investments                                                 60.2       -
Net change in short-term investments                               (62.9)    (31.1)
Changes in minority interests                                       14.0     (25.3)
Loan repayment from WMC                                              -       121.8
Other - payments                                                    (8.6)     (9.2)
								 -------   ------- 
    CASH USED FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES                            (423.4)   (721.7)
								 -------   -------

EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH                            (10.5)      6.0
								 -------   -------
CHANGES IN CASH                                                
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                            471.7    (386.6)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                     598.1   1,055.6
								 -------   -------
    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                  $1,069.8  $  669.0
								 =======   =======

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


	   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
	       (in millions, except share amounts)
   (a)  Summarized consolidated financial data for Alcoa Aluminio S.A.
	(Aluminio) and Alcoa of Australia Limited (AofA) begin on page 17.
   (b)  Inventories consisted of:

				    September 30       December 31
					1997              1996
				    ------------       -----------
	Finished goods               $  358.2          $  403.1
	Work in process                 388.8             421.1
	Bauxite and alumina             247.4             283.1
	Purchased raw materials         199.4             235.5
	Operating supplies              103.3             118.6
				      -------           -------
				     $1,297.1          $1,461.4
				      =======           =======

	Approximately 56% of total inventories at September 30, 1997 
	were valued on a LIFO basis.  If valued on an average cost 
	basis, total inventories would have been $787.1 and $753.7
	higher at September 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996,

   (c)  The 1997 third quarter included a gain of $18.0 ($12.3 after-
	tax) related to special items.  The sale of equity securities 
	generated a gain of $38.0 ($24.7 after-tax) which was 
	partially offset by a $20.0 ($12.4 after-tax) charge to 
	increase environmental reserves.  Special items in the 1997
	nine-month period include an additional $4.6 (a $1.1 loss 
	after-tax) related to asset sales, increases to environmental 
	reserves and impairments.  The 1996 third quarter special 
	charge of $115.1 ($65.5 after-tax) was related primarily to 
	incentives paid to employees who voluntarily left the company 
	and for permanent layoff costs.  In the 1996 second quarter, 
	an additional $65.4 ($40.0 after-tax) was recorded for the 
	closing of Alcoa Electronic Packaging (AEP).  Most of this
	charge was related to asset writedowns.
   (d)  The income tax provision for the period is based on the 
	effective tax rate expected to be applicable for the full 
	year.  Lower taxes on foreign income were offset by higher 
	taxes on asset sales, resulting in a 35% effective tax rate 
	for 1997.


   (e)  The following formula is used to compute primary earnings per 
	common share (EPS):
	EPS = Net income - preferred dividend requirements
	Weighted average number of common shares
	outstanding for the period
	The average number of shares used to compute primary earnings per 
	common share was 173,123,905 in 1997 and 174,737,995 in 1996.  Fully
	diluted earnings per common share are not stated since the dilution 
	is not material.
   (f)  On July 29, 1997, Alcoa and SEPI, the Spanish State Entity for 
	Industrial Participation, jointly announced that they had signed 
	an agreement under which Alcoa will acquire the main sectors of 
	the aluminum business of Inespal, S.A. of Madrid.  Alcoa will 
	pay approximately $410 for substantially all of Inespal's
	businesses.  Inespal is an integrated aluminum producer with 
	1996 revenues of $1.1 billion.  The acquisition includes an 
	alumina refinery, three aluminum smelters, three aluminum 
	rolling facilities, two extrusion plants, an administrative 
	center and related sales offices in Europe.  The acquisition,
	subject to government approval, is expected to be completed by 
	late 1997 or in early 1998.
   (g)  On April 21, 1997, Alcoa announced that it had signed a Letter 
	of Intent with Reynolds Metals Company to acquire Reynolds' 
	rolling mill in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, two nearby can 
	reclamation plants and a coil coating facility in Sheffield, 
	Alabama.  The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and
	other closing conditions, and is expected to be completed in 
	late 1997 or in early 1998.  Upon closing, the companies expect 
	to enter a long-term agreement under which Alcoa would become a 
	major supplier of can sheet to Reynolds or its successor if
	Reynolds Can Division is sold, leased or transferred.

	In the opinion of the company, the financial statements and 
	summarized financial data in this Form 10-Q report include all 
	adjustments, including those of a normal recurring nature, 
	necessary to fairly state the results for the periods.  This Form 
	10-Q report should be read in conjunction with the company's annual 
	report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.
	The financial data required in this Form 10-Q by Rule 10-01 of 
	Regulation S-X has been reviewed by Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., the 
	company's independent accountants, as described in their report on 
	page 8.

Independent Accountant's Review Report
To the Shareholders and Board of Directors
Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa)
    We have reviewed the unaudited condensed consolidated balance 
sheet of Alcoa and subsidiaries as of September 30, 1997, the 
unaudited condensed statements of consolidated income for the three-
month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 1997 and 1996, and 
condensed consolidated cash flows for the nine-month periods ended 
September 30, 1997 and 1996, which are included in Alcoa's Form 10-Q 
for the period ended September 30, 1997.  These financial statements 
are the responsibility of Alcoa's management.
     We conducted our review in accordance with standards established 
by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  A review 
of interim financial information consists principally of applying 
analytical procedures to financial data and making inquiries of 
persons responsible for financial and accounting matters.  It is
substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance 
with generally accepted auditing standards, the objective of which 
is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements 
taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.
     Based on our review, we are not aware of any material
modifications that should be made to the condensed consolidated 
financial statements referred to above for them to be in conformity 
with generally accepted accounting principles.
     We have previously audited, in accordance with generally 
accepted auditing standards, the consolidated balance sheet of Alcoa 
and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1996, and the related statements 
of consolidated income, shareholders' equity, and consolidated cash 
flows for the year then ended (not presented herein).  In our report 
dated January 8, 1997, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those 
consolidated financial statements.  In our opinion, the information 
set forth in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet 
as of December 31, 1996 is fairly stated, in all material respects, 
in relation to the consolidated balance sheet from which it has been 



Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
October 6, 1997


Management's Discussion and Analysis of the
Results of Operations and Financial Condition
(dollars in millions, except share amounts)

Results of Operations

Principal income and operating data follow.

				     Third quarter ended     Nine months ended
					September 30           September 30
					------------           ------------
				       1997      1996         1997      1996
				       ----      ----         ----      ----
 Sales and operating revenues        $3,357.5  $3,240.6    $10,020.6  $9,803.3
 Net income                             228.1      68.4        594.8     378.8
 Earnings per common share               1.32       .39         3.43      2.16
 Shipments of aluminum products (1)       742       717        2,222     2,094
 Shipments of alumina (1)               1,866     1,575        5,415     4,736

(1)  in thousands of metric tons (mt)

Alcoa earned $228.1, or $1.32 per share, for the third quarter of
1997, compared with $68.4, or 39 cents per share in the 1996
quarter.  The 1997 three-month period included a special net
after-tax gain of $12.3 ($18.0 pre-tax) related to the sale of
equity securities which was partially offset by charges to
increase environmental reserves.  The 1996 third quarter was
negatively affected by a special after-tax charge of $65.5
($115.1 pre-tax) related to layoff provisions and equipment

Earnings for the 1997 nine-month period totaled $594.8 or $3.43
per share, compared with $378.8, or $2.16 per share, in the 1996
year-to-date period.  Special items for the 1997 nine-month
period, in addition to the third quarter items mentioned above,
included a charge of $1.1 (a $4.6 gain pre-tax) related to asset
sales, increases to environmental reserves and impairments that
was recorded in the 1997 first quarter.  Year-to-date 1996
special items include an additional charge of $40.0 ($65.4 pre-
tax) taken in the 1996 second quarter related to the shutdown of
Alcoa's ceramic packaging operations.

Alcoa of Australia Limited's (AofA) pre-tax income from
operations for the 1997 third quarter increased 3.5% from the
year-ago quarter; year-to-date, AofA's pre-tax income was
unchanged relative to 1996.  Results for 1997 have been driven by
an increase in alumina volumes that has been offset by lower
alumina, chemicals and ingot prices.

In Brazil, Alcoa Aluminio's (Aluminio) third quarter 1997 pre-tax
profit from operations was $20.3, an increase of $38.7 from the
1996 third quarter.  Year-to-date, pre-tax profit reached $65.4,
compared with $20.2 in the 1996 period.  Revenues in both 1997
periods increased slightly when compared with the 1996 third
quarter and nine-month periods.  The increases in pre-tax
earnings are primarily due to higher volumes and lower costs
related to packaging operations, along with higher ingot prices.
The functional currency used at Aluminio is the U.S. dollar, the
determination of which is based on the appropriate economic and
management indicators and is not dependent on Brazil's status as
a hyper-inflationary economy.


Alcoa's operations, divided into three segments, follow:

1. Alumina and Chemicals Segment

				   Third quarter ended    Nine months ended  
				       September 30         September 30
				       ------------         ------------
				      1997      1996       1997      1996
				      ----      ----       ----      ----

 Alumina and chemicals revenues    $  487    $  488     $  1,481  $  1,454
 Alumina shipments (000 mt)         1,866     1,575        5,415     4,736

Total revenues for the Alumina and Chemicals segment were $487 in
the 1997 third quarter, nearly even with those from the
comparable 1996 quarter.  Year-to-date, revenues were $1,481, up
2% from the 1996 period.

Alumina shipments for the 1997 third quarter were up 18% compared
with the 1996 period while prices fell 7%, resulting in an
increase in revenues.  In the year-to-date period, revenues were
up 5% on the strength of a 14% increase in shipments.  Chemicals
revenues fell 4% from the 1996 year-to-date period primarily due
to a decline in price.

The entities jointly owned by Alcoa and WMC Limited of Australia
(WMC), known as Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC),
produced 2,663 mt of alumina during the 1997 third quarter, an
increase of 164 mt from the comparable 1996 period.  Of the 1997
third quarter amount, 1,866 mt was shipped to third-party

On October 20, 1997, AWAC announced that it had begun
preparations to restart its St. Croix alumina refinery.  The
refinery has a rated operating capacity of 600,000 mt and startup
is expected to take ten to fifteen weeks.

2. Aluminum Processing Segment

			       Third quarter ended    Nine months ended
				   September 30         September 30
				   ------------         ------------
 Product classes                  1997      1996       1997      1996
 ---------------                  ----      ----       ----      ----

   Flat-rolled products        $ 1,035   $   936    $ 2,983   $ 2,953
   Engineered products             619       569      1,863     1,707
   Aluminum ingot                  367       374      1,126     1,078
   Other aluminum products          71        83        220       245
				------    ------     ------    ------
 Total                         $ 2,092   $ 1,962    $ 6,192   $ 5,983
 Shipments (000 mt)                                       
   Flat-rolled products            360       324      1,058     1,009
   Engineered products             140       134        426       368
   Aluminum ingot                  221       240        678       664
   Other aluminum products          21        19         60        53
				------    ------     ------    ------
 Total                             742       717      2,222     2,094


Flat-rolled products - The majority of revenues and shipments for
flat-rolled products are derived from rigid container sheet
(RCS), which is used to produce aluminum beverage can bodies and
can ends.  Shipments of RCS in the 1997 third quarter were up 15%
from the 1996 quarter, resulting in a 12% increase in revenues.
However, year-to-date, RCS revenues fell 4% as prices were 5%
below 1997 levels and volume was flat.  RCS volumes for the 1997
nine-month period were negatively affected by the 1996 sale of
AofA's Rolled Product Division, which resulted in a 29,500 mt
loss in shipments when comparing 1997 results with the 1996 nine-
month period.

Domestic sheet and plate shipments continued to climb in the 1997
third quarter, increasing 14% from the 1996 quarter and 13% over
the 1996 year-to-date period.  Revenues grew by 19% and 14%,
respectively, for the quarter and year-to-date periods.  Prices
increased 4% over those in the 1996 third quarter, but were
stable when comparing the year-to-date periods.

Engineered products - These products include extrusions used in
the transportation and construction markets, forged aluminum
wheels and wire, rod and bar.  Year-to-date, revenues from the
sale of engineered products increased 9% from 1996 levels.
Higher shipments of extrusions, particularly in Europe, along
with higher shipments of forged wheels were the primary factors
behind the increase.

Revenues for extruded products were higher by 5% and 13% from the
1996 third quarter and nine-month periods.  Prices fell 3% and 9%
over the same periods, while shipments were up 9% and 24%,
respectively.  Soft alloy extruded product results were
negatively affected by weak European pricing and maintenance
shutdowns in the U.S. during the 1997 third quarter.

Revenues from the sale of forged wheels increased 35% and 17%,
respectively, from the 1996 quarter and nine-month periods.
Shipments drove the increases, rising 37% and 19% over the same
periods, while prices were slightly lower.

Aluminum ingot - Revenues for this product were down 2% when
compared with the 1996 third quarter as a 7% increase in prices
was offset by an 8% decline in shipments.  Year-to-date, revenues
increased 5% as prices rose 2%.  Alcoa's average realized ingot
price for the 1997 nine-month period was 75.38 cents per pound.
Ingot pricing continues to be relatively flat in 1997 as
evidenced by the London Metal Exchange (LME) three-month price
which, as of the end of the third quarter, was comparable to its
average level for the first nine months of 1997.

Other aluminum products - Revenues from sales of other aluminum
products for the 1997 quarter and year-to-date periods were 14%
and 10% lower than those in the respective 1996 periods.  The
declines were primarily due to the sale of Alcoa's Richmond,
Indiana aluminum closure facility in the 1997 second quarter and
the continued decline of aluminum closure prices.


3. Non-aluminum Segment

Revenues for the non-aluminum segment were $779 in the 1997 third
quarter, unchanged on a percentage basis when compared with the
1996 quarter. Year-to-date, this segment had revenues of $2,348,
compared with $2,366 in 1996. The flat performance of this
segment is due to higher revenues at Alcoa Fujikura Ltd. (AFL),
where sales have increased 19% on a year-to-date basis, offset by
the dispositions of under-performing businesses in the 1997 first
and second quarters.

Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of goods sold increased $16, or 1%, from the 1996 third
quarter.  Year-to-date, the increase was $185, or 2%. The
increases reflect higher volumes in aluminum, alumina and at AFL.
These increases were nearly offset by improved cost performance,
as was the case in the 1997 second quarter.  Cost of goods sold
as a percentage of revenues was 76.1%, compared with 75.9% in the
1996 year-to-date period.  The slightly higher ratio is due to
lower prices offset by higher volumes and improved performance.

Other Income & Expenses
Other income totaled $47 in the 1997 third quarter, an increase
of $29 from the 1996 period.  Year-to-date, other income
increased by $89 to $126.  The increases are primarily due to
recording gains in both 1997 periods related to marking-to-market
aluminum commodity contracts versus losses in both 1996 periods.
Partially offsetting these gains were increased losses related to
foreign exchange.

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $20 and
$52 from the year-ago quarter and nine-month periods.  Lower
spending and the sale of under-performing businesses were the
primary drivers of the decreases.

Interest expense was up $3 from the 1996 nine-month period,
primarily due to   higher borrowings by Aluminio, AofA and Alcoa

The income tax provision for the period is based on the effective
tax rate expected to be applicable for the full year.  Lower
taxes on foreign income were offset by higher taxes on asset
sales, resulting in a 35% effective tax rate for 1997.

Minority interests' share of income from operations for the 1997
nine-month period rose to $188 from $160 in the comparable 1996
period.  The increase is due to higher earnings at Aluminio and

Commodity Risks
Alcoa is a leading global producer of aluminum ingot and aluminum
fabricated products.  Aluminum ingot is an internationally
priced, sourced and traded commodity.  The principal trading
market for ingot is the LME.  Alcoa participates in this market
by buying and selling forward portions of its aluminum
requirements and output.

In the normal course of business, Alcoa enters into long-term
contracts with a number of its customers.  At December 31, 1996,
such contracts totaled approximately 2,369,000 mt.  Alcoa may
enter into similar arrangements in the future.


As a hedge against the risk of higher prices for anticipated
metal purchases to fulfill long-term customer contracts, Alcoa
entered into long positions, principally using futures and
options.  At September 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996, these
contracts totaled approximately 935,000 mt and 872,000 mt,
respectively.  Alcoa follows a fairly stable pattern of
purchasing metal; therefore, it is highly likely that the
anticipated metal requirements will be met.

The futures and options contracts limit the unfavorable effect of
price increases on metal purchases and likewise limit the
favorable effect from price declines.  The contracts are with
creditworthy counterparties and are further supported by cash,
treasury bills or irrevocable letters of credit issued by
carefully chosen banks.

For financial accounting purposes, the gains and losses on the
hedging contracts are reflected in earnings concurrent with the
hedged costs.  The cash flows from these contracts are classified
in a manner consistent with the underlying nature of the

Alcoa intends to close out the hedging positions at the time it
purchases the metal from third parties, thus creating the right
economic match both in time and price.  The deferred gains on the
hedging contracts of $128 at September 30, 1997 are expected to
offset the increase in the price of the purchased metal.

The expiration dates of the call options and the delivery dates
of the futures contracts do not always coincide exactly with the
dates on which Alcoa is required to purchase metal to meet its
contractual commitments with customers.  Accordingly, some of the
futures and options positions will be rolled forward.  This may
result in significant cash inflows if the hedging contracts are
"in-the-money" at the time they are rolled forward.  Conversely,
there could be significant cash outflows, as was the case in
1996, if metal prices fall below the price of contracts being
rolled forward.

In addition, Alcoa had 168,000 mt and 205,000 mt of LME contracts
outstanding at September 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996,
respectively, that cover long-term, fixed-price commitments to
supply customers with metal from internal sources.  Accounting
convention requires that these contracts be marked-to-market,
which resulted in an after-tax gain of $2.6 for the quarter ended
September 30, 1997 and an after-tax loss of $16.0 for the quarter
ended September 30, 1996.

Alcoa also purchases certain other commodities, such as gas and
copper, for its operations and enters into futures contracts to
eliminate volatility in the prices of such products.  None of
these contracts are material.

Financial Risk
Alcoa is subject to significant exposure from fluctuations in
foreign currencies.  As a matter of company policy, foreign
currency exchange contracts, including forwards and options, are
used to manage transactional exposure to changes in currency
exchange rates.  The forward contracts principally cover firm
commitments.  Options are generally used to hedge anticipated


Alcoa also attempts to maintain a reasonable balance between
fixed and floating rate debt and uses interest rate swaps and
caps to keep financing costs as low as possible.

Risk Management
All of the aluminum and other commodity contracts, as well as the
various types of financial instruments, are straightforward.
They are used primarily to mitigate uncertainty and volatility,
and principally cover underlying exposures.
Alcoa's commodity and derivative activities are subject to the
management, direction and control of the Strategic Risk
Management Committee (SRMC).  It is composed of the chief
executive officer, the president, the chief financial officer and
other officers and employees as the chief executive officer may
select from time to time.  The SRMC reports to the Board of
Directors at each of its scheduled meetings on the scope of its
derivatives activities.

Environmental Matters
Alcoa continues to participate in environmental assessments
and cleanups at a number of locations, including operating
facilities and their adjoining property; at previously owned
or operated facilities; and at Superfund and other waste
sites.  Alcoa records a liability for environmental
remediation costs and/or damages when a cleanup program or
liability becomes probable and the costs/damages can be
reasonably estimated.

As assessments and cleanups proceed, these liabilities are
adjusted based on progress in determining the extent of
remedial actions and the related costs and damages.  The
liability can change substantially due to factors such as the
nature or extent of contamination, changes in remedial
requirements and technological improvements.

For example, there are certain matters, including several
related to alleged natural resource damage or alleged off-
site contaminated sediments, where investigations are
ongoing.  It is not possible to determine the outcomes or to
estimate with any degree of certainty the ranges of potential
costs for these matters.

Alcoa's remediation reserve balance at the end of the 1997
third quarter was $262 and reflects the most probable costs
to remediate identified environmental conditions for which
costs can be reasonably estimated.  Approximately half of the
reserve relates to Alcoa's Massena, New York and Pt. Comfort,
Texas plant sites.  Remediation expenditures charged to the
reserve during the 1997 third quarter were $17.  They include
expenditures currently mandated as well as those not required
by any regulatory authority or third party.

Included in ongoing operating expenses are the recurring
costs of managing hazardous substances and pollution.  Alcoa
estimates that these costs will be about 2% of cost of goods
sold in 1997.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash from Operations

Cash from operations during the 1997 nine-month period was
$1,371, $499 higher than in the 1996 period. A $240 cash receipt
on a long-term alumina supply contract, lower working capital
requirements and higher earnings in the 1997 period generated the

Financing Activities
Financing activities used $466 of cash during the first nine
months of 1997.  This included $293 to repurchase 3,851,135
shares of the company's common stock.  Stock purchases were
offset by $200 of treasury stock issued primarily for employee
benefit plans.  Dividends paid to shareholders were $127 in the
1997 nine-month period, a decrease of $51 over the 1996 period.
The decrease was due to Alcoa's bonus dividend program, which
paid out 10.75 cents in addition to the base dividend in each
quarter of 1996.  In March 1997 Alcoa raised its quarterly base
dividend from 22.5 to 25 cents per share, an 11% increase.

Dividends paid and return of capital to minority interests
totaled $291 as AWAC and AofA returned funds to their investors
during the 1997 second quarter.  Payments on long-term debt
during the first nine months of 1997 exceeded additions by $120.
Debt as a percentage of invested capital was 20.4% at the end of
the 1997 third quarter, a 1.4 percentage point decrease over the
21.8% recorded at year-end 1996.

Investing Activities
Investing activities used $423 during the 1997 nine-month period,
compared with $722 in the 1996 period. Capital expenditures
totaled $619, while $193 was received from the sale of Alcoa's
Caradco, Arctek, Alcoa Composites, Norcold, Dayton Technologies
and Richmond, Indiana facilities.  In the 1996 period, Alcoa used
$171.5 to purchase the operating assets of Alumix in Italy and
also received $121.8 from WMC which was originally loaned in
January 1995.

Accounting Rule Change

Two new accounting rules, FAS 130 - Reporting Comprehensive
Income and FAS 131 - Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise
and Related Information, were issued in June 1997.  The
implementation of FAS 130 will require that the components of
comprehensive income be reported in the financial statements.
The implementation of FAS 131 will require the disclosure of
segment information utilizing the approach that the company uses
to manage its internal organization.  The company is currently
assessing the impact that the new standards will have on its
financial statements.  Implementation of both of these new
standards is required for calendar year 1998.


A new accounting rule, FAS 128 - Earnings per Share (EPS), was
issued in February 1997.  The implementation will require the
disclosure of basic (currently referred to as primary) and
diluted (currently referred to as fully diluted) EPS.  The
calculation of basic EPS under the new rule will not change from
the current calculation of primary EPS.  The calculation of
diluted EPS under the new rule will not be materially different
from the current calculation of fully diluted EPS, which is
available in Exhibit-11 of this document.  Implementation of this
new standard will begin as of December 31, 1997.


Alcoa and subsidiaries

Summarized unaudited consolidated financial data for Aluminio, a
Brazilian subsidiary effectively owned 59% by Alcoa, follow.

					September 30    December 31
					    1997           1996
					    ----           ----

Cash and short-term investments         $   261.7      $    269.1
Other current assets                        420.4           441.2
Properties, plants and equipment, net       873.6           897.5
Other assets                                205.6           235.0
					  -------         -------
      Total assets                        1,761.3         1,842.8
					  -------         -------
Current liabilities                         349.5           404.0
Long-term debt                              409.3           492.5
Other liabilities                            65.1            62.1
					  -------         -------
      Total liabilities                     823.9           958.6
					  -------         -------
	    Net assets                  $   937.4       $   884.2
					  =======         =======

				    Third quarter ended    Nine months ended
				       September 30          September 30
				       ------------          ------------
				     1997        1996      1997        1996
				     ----        ----      ----        ----

Revenues (1)                       $  306.8    $  302.4  $  911.3   $  893.4
Costs and expenses                   (286.1)     (321.1)   (845.4)    (874.2)
Translation and exchange
adjustments                            (0.4)        0.3      (0.5)       1.0
Income tax (expense)/benefit           (4.1)        6.9     (13.1)       5.7
				     ------      ------    ------     ------
     Net income/(loss)              $  16.2    $  (11.5) $   52.3   $   25.9
				     ======      ======    ======     ====== 

Alcoa's share of net income/loss    $   9.6    $   (6.8) $   30.9   $   15.3
				     ======      ======    ======     ======

 (1) Revenues from Alcoa and its subsidiaries, the terms of which were
     established by negotiations between the parties, follow.

     Third quarter ended September 30:     1997 - $ 9.2, 1996 - $ 6.1
     Nine months ended September 30:       1997 - $14.1, 1996 - $12.4


Alcoa and subsidiaries

Summarized unaudited consolidated financial data for AofA, an
Australian subsidiary, 60% owned by Alcoa, follow.

					   September 30   December 31
					      1997          1996
					      ----          ----

Cash and short-term investments             $   18.8      $   13.9
Other current assets                           454.6         522.4
Properties, plants and equipment, net        1,511.2       1,695.4
Other assets                                    95.7         108.6
					     -------       -------
Total assets                                 2,080.3       2,340.3
					     -------       -------
Current liabilities                            298.2         341.9
Long-term debt                                 294.5         131.0
Other liabilities                              399.9         435.7
					     -------       -------
      Total liabilities                        992.6         908.6
					     -------       -------
      Net assets                           $ 1,087.7     $ 1,431.7
					     =======       =======

				   Third quarter ended    Nine months ended
				      September 30          September 30
				      ------------          ------------
				    1997        1996       1997        1996
				    ----        ----       ----        ----

Revenues (1)                     $  495.7     $  469.6   $1,491.9    $1,479.1
Costs and expenses                 (383.2)      (360.9)  (1,130.9)   (1,121.7)
Income tax expense                  (40.6)       (40.4)    (130.2)     (127.5)
				  -------      -------    -------     -------

Net income                       $   71.9     $   68.3   $  230.8    $  229.9
				  =======      =======    =======     =======
Alcoa's share of net income      $   43.1     $   41.0   $  138.5    $  137.9
				  =======      =======    =======     =======

(1)  Revenues from Alcoa and its subsidiaries, the terms of which were
     established by negotiations between the parties, follow.

     Third quarter ended September 30:      1997 - $22.7, 1996 - $ 9.7
     Nine months ended September 30:        1997 - $50.3, 1996 - $41.2


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

As previously reported, on December 20, 1996 JMB Realty
Corporation (JMB) filed a complaint for declaratory relief and
damages against Alcoa and two subsidiaries, Alcoa Properties,
Inc. and Alcoa Securities Corporation, in the Circuit Court of
Cook County, Illinois.  JMB claims that it is entitled to a
rebate of approximately $71 million, plus annual interest,
beginning December 1996 arising from a 1986 stock transaction in
which a subsidiary of JMB purchased the outstanding stock of
substantially all of the real estate holding subsidiaries of
Alcoa Properties, Inc.  JMB also is seeking an order canceling
three promissory notes that it made and delivered to Alcoa
Securities Corporation.  JMB owes Alcoa Securities Corporation
approximately $53 million on the notes, which matured on December
31, 1996.  The Illinois case is in discovery.  In January 1997,
Alcoa Securities Corporation filed suit against JMB in the
Superior Court of Chittenden County, Vermont seeking to collect
the approximately $53 million that JMB owes Alcoa Securities
Corporation.  The Vermont case was dismissed at the trial court
level, for lack of jurisdiction, on September 24, 1997.  Alcoa
Securities Corporation is reviewing its options for continuing
collection efforts on the notes.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, in 
a letter dated October 10, 1997, notified the Company that the 
Company's Massena, New York facility allegedly is in
violation of certain air pollution control requirements.  The
allegations include operation of certain emission sources without
permits, non-compliance with permitting and control standards for
sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and carbonyl sulfide and
violation of requirements related to the deposition of fluoride
on vegetation.  The Company has commenced an investigation into
the allegations.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)  Exhibits
       11.  Computation of Earnings per Common Share
       12.  Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
       15.  Independent Accountants' letter regarding unaudited
	    financial information
       27.  Financial Data Schedule

(b)  No reports on Form 8-K were filed by Alcoa during the
quarter covered by this report.


  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to
be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly
   October 29, 1997           By /s/ RICHARD B. KELSON
   Date                       Richard B. Kelson
			      Executive Vice President and
			      Chief Financial Officer
			      (Principal Financial Officer)
   October 29, 1997           By /s/ EARNEST J. EDWARDS
   Date                       Earnest J. Edwards
			      Senior Vice President and Controller
			      (Chief Accounting Officer)
   11. Computation of Earnings per Common Share               22
   12. Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges      23
   15. Independent Accountants' letter regarding unaudited    24
	   financial information
   27. Financial Data Schedule


                                                    EXHIBIT 11

            Computation of Earnings per Common Share
             For the nine months ended September 30
               (in millions, except share amounts)

                                                          1997          1996
						          ----          ----
 1. Income applicable to common stock*                   $593.2         $377.2
 2. Weighted average number of common shares          
      outstanding during the period                 173,123,905    174,737,995
 3. Primary earnings per common share                               
     (1 divided by 2)                                     $3.43          $2.16
 4. Fully diluted earnings (1)                           $593.2         $377.2
 5. Shares issuable under compensation plans             32,668         37,664
 6. Shares issuable upon exercise of dilutive
      outstanding stock options (treasury stock
      method)                                         2,315,611      1,229,336
 7. Fully diluted shares (2 + 5 + 6)                175,472,184    176,004,995
 8. Fully diluted earnings per common                               
      share (4 divided by 7)                              $3.38          $2.14

*  After preferred dividend requirement

                                                    EXHIBIT 12

        Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
          For the nine months ended September 30, 1997
                   (in millions, except ratio)

   Income before taxes on income                               $ 1,204.9
   Minority interests' share of earnings of majority-
      owned subsidiaries without fixed charges                       2.7
   Equity income                                                   (29.7)
   Fixed charges                                                   136.1
   Proportionate share of income (loss) of 50%-owned
     persons							    25.3
   Distributed income of less than 50%-owned persons                 -
   Amortization of capitalized interest                             15.7

      Total earnings                                           $ 1,355.0
Fixed Charges:                                   
   Interest expense:                             
      Consolidated                                             $   106.2
      Proportionate share of 50%-owned persons                       2.7
   Amount representative of the interest factor in rents:
      Consolidated                                                  26.9
      Proportionate share of 50%-owned persons                        .3
   Fixed charges added to earnings                                 136.1
   Interest capitalized:                         
      Consolidated                                                   5.7
      Proportionate share of 50%-owned persons                       -
   Preferred stock dividend requirements of      
      majority-owned subsidiaries                                    -
      Total fixed charges                                      $   141.8
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                                   9.6


                                             EXHIBIT 15

                                             October 6, 1997

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

RE:  Aluminum Company of America

     1.   Form S-8  (Registration Nos.33-24846 and 333-00033)
          Alcoa Savings Plan for Salaried Employees; Alcoa
          Fujikura Ltd. Salaried 401(k) Savings Plan

     2.   Form S-8  (Registration Nos.33-22346, 33-49109,
          33-60305 and 333-27903)
          Long Term Stock Incentive Plan

     3.   Form S-3 (Registration No. 33-49997) and
          Form S-3 (Registration No. 33-60045) and
          Form S-3 (Registration No. 33-64353)
          Debt Securities and Warrants to Purchase Debt Securities,
          Preferred Stock and Common Stock

Ladies and gentlemen:

We  are  aware  that  our  report  dated  October  6,  1997,
accompanying  interim  financial  information  of   Aluminum
Company  of America (Alcoa) and subsidiaries for the  three-
month  and nine-month periods ended September 30,  1997,  is
incorporated  by  reference in the  registration  statements
referred  to  above.  Pursuant to Rule  436  (c)  under  the
Securities Act of 1933, this report should not be considered
as part of a registration statement prepared or certified by
us within the meaning of Sections 7 and 11 of that Act.

Very truly yours,




5 1,000 9-MOS DEC-31-1996 SEP-30-1997 1,069,800 81,200 1,813,600 44,400 1,297,100 4,782,800 15,542,200 8,731,700 13,604,100 2,626,000 1,725,700 0 55,800 178,900 4,361,900 13,604,100 10,020,600 10,146,500 7,624,900 7,624,900 549,500 0 106,200 1,204,900 421,700 594,800 0 0 0 594,800 3.43 3.38